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Environmental Protection Scotland (EPS) has roots stretching back to the 19th Century. We bring together individuals & organisations across the public, private & voluntary sectors to discuss & promote ideas, knowledge & solutions to achieve our aim of a cleaner, quieter, healthier & sustainable Scotland. EPS is active & influential in the fields of air quality, land quality, noise & are at the fore of emerging environmental issues, including working towards sustainable development for a resilient Scotland.

We are the UK trade association for those who drill holes in the ground, manufacture/
supply drilling rigs & equipment, or supply services to the geotechnical and ground investigation industry. Our members cover: ground investigation; mineral exploration; water-well activities; ground consolidation; quarry drilling; geothermal drilling; directional drilling; ground anchors; piling; laboratory testing; training; specialist insurance services; geotechnical consultancy; drilling rig & equipment supply. We do not however include drilling for oil and gas.

The Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES) is a charitable organisation which promotes & raises public awareness of environmental science by supporting professional scientists & academics working in this crucial arena. As a seminal environmental sciences organisation, founded in 1971, the IES is consulted by the Government & other interested parties on environmental issues. The IES has strong ties with Higher Education & promotes & supports environmental science & sustainable development in universities & colleges both nationally & internationally.

CIWM is the leading membership organisation for professionals in the resources and waste management sector, representing over 5,500 individuals across the UK and overseas.
We empower our members to achieve success by keeping them updated on the latest news and policy activity; providing expert technical advice and information; offering a range of training courses and learning opportunities; hosting industry-leading events; and providing a variety of unrivalled networking opportunities.

We encourage & promote the effective & sustainable reuse of contaminated land in Scotland & elsewhere, positively contributing to future economic growth & quality of life for people & communities. Our members are drawn from the public & private sector including regulators, service providers, consultants, contractors & we welcome new members so come & join in. Our quarterly forum meetings & annual conference aid knowledge sharing in the industry & provide an easy atmosphere for networking.

CIWM is the leading membership organisation for professionals in the resources and waste management sector, representing over 5,500 individuals across the UK and overseas.
We empower our members to achieve success by keeping them updated on the latest news and policy activity; providing expert technical advice and information; offering a range of training courses and learning opportunities; hosting industry-leading events; and providing a variety of unrivalled networking opportunities.

UKELA (United Kingdom Environmental Law Association) is the UK forum which aims to make better law for the environment & to improve understanding & awareness of environmental law. We were established in 1988 & are a registered charity (299498) & a limited company (2133283). Our charitable objects include promoting, for the benefit of the public generally, the enhancement & conservation of the environment in the UK & advancing the education of the public in all matters relating to the development, teaching, application & practice of law relating to the environment.

The Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS) is an independent, self-financing registered Scottish charity whose main objectives are for the benefit of the community to promote the advancement of Environmental Health by: stimulating general interest in and disseminating knowledge concerning Environmental Health; promoting education & training in matters relating to Environmental Health; & maintaining, by examination or otherwise, high standards of professional practice & conduct on the part of Environmental Health Officers in Scotland.

The Environmental Industries Commission (EIC) exists to ensure that the UK business environment sector can operate effectively to improve the environment that we all rely on and enjoy as citizens.
They work to ensure that environmental policies are thoughtful & progressive, that regulations are clear and enforced, that innovation is rewarded & that finance & export opportunities are available.

The Federation of Piling Specialists (FPS) represents the interests of piling, foundation and geotechnical contractors across the UK, promoting the highest levels of technical ability, quality and safety and it sets standards for the whole sector. Through its Associate Membership scheme, which extends to include consulting engineers, the FPS also represents associated geotechnical trades, sectors and plant manufacturers in their members supply chain that have a shared interest in the common goals and aims of the FPS.

CIRIA is the Construction Industry Research and Information Association, a neutral, independent and not-for-profit body.
Our vision is to be a leading enabler and preferred partner for performance improvement, driving collaboration across built environment and construction sectors for the identification, development and transfer of knowledge.