2022 Conference Agenda
Practical Solutions for Improved Investigation & Development of
Brownfield & Contaminated Land in Scotland
9.00 Registration and Coffee
9.30 Opening Remarks from the Morning Chair
Jez Gittins, Associate Technical Director, Arcadis
9.40 Outlining the Role and Objectives of the New Environmental Standards Scotland
Detailing our role, responsibilities and statutory powers
Outlining a collaborative approach to ensuring environmental protection and governance in Scotland
Evaluating the effectiveness of environmental law
Matthew Byerly, Senior Investigations Officer, Environmental Standards Scotland
10.05 National Planning Framework 4 – A New Draft Spatial Strategy and Policy Approach
Fiona Simpson, Chief Planner, Scottish Government
10.25 Clyde Mission – Using Vacant and Derelict Land for the Benefit of the Economy, the Environment and Communities
The Scottish Government’s Clyde Mission is a place-based, mission-led initiative that brings together partners from across sectors to achieve a Grand Challenge: to make the River Clyde an engine of sustainable and inclusive growth – for the city, the region and Scotland.
This presentation will highlight recent Clyde Mission investments, and set out the next steps towards the transformation of vacant and derelict riverside sites, which will seek to stimulate economic activity, secure environmental benefits, and create better places for local communities.
John Provan, Head of Clyde Mission, Scottish Government
10.45 Q&A
10.55 Morning Refreshments
11.20 Update on Groundwater Standards for Scotland
An overview of the new groundwater standards for Scotland and the associated revised SEPA guidance documents: WAT-PS-10 Assigning groundwater assessment criteria for pollutant inputs and Land contamination and impacts on the water environment. The presentation will cover some of the key changes and what they mean for water environment risk assessment.
Isla Smail, Principal Hydrogeologist, SEPA
Caroline Thornton, Principal Contaminated Land Specialist, SEPA
11.45 Assessing the Implications of the New Guidance for Assessing Risks to Groundwater – Industry Perspective from SCLF
This presentation will provide an industry perspective of the proposed changes including potential ways to address some of the technical challenges, such as increased use of Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment (DQRA) and cost-benefit analysis, before providing the results of consultation with SCLF members about the implications of the changes.
Helen McMillan, Associate Director, RSK
12.10 Extended Q&A Discussion
12.25 Analysis of PFAS – Methods, Limitations and a Case Study
This presentation will include discussion about laboratory methods for analysing PFOS, PFOA and a range of other PFAS compounds. The analytical challenges surrounding the method will be presented, along with a case study in determining sub ng/l PFOS and PFOA in the environment.
Dr Claire Stone, Group Quality Director, i2 Analytical UK
12.45 Q&A
12.50 Networking Lunch
13.45 Welcome Back from the Afternoon Chair
Jenny Colam, Principal Environmental Consultant, Contaminated Land, Atkins
13.50 Location Data Scotland – Unlocking the Potential of Location Data for Brownfield Land Projects
Location Data Scotland (LDS) is Scotland’s inclusive geospatial community created to unlock the value in location data. We help connect, inform and facilitate collaboration between industry, academia, public and third sector, across multiple sectors, to drive innovation, unlock skills and enable economic growth.
Ashley will explore the potential of location data for brownfield projects and consider how data can be used to help better understand brownfield sites, make it easier to bring them forward for development, and how we can work together to unlock the power of location.
14.10 Detailing the Use of Local Government Geospatial Data for Vacant, Derelict & Brownfield Land Planning & Development
Presenting the Spatial Hub, why it was created and the information it collects and provides
Outlining how the data is used in local development and other planning, including Vacant & Derelict Land
Iain Paton, Spatial Information Project Manager, Improvement Service
14.30 Q&A
14.40 Interactive Roundtable Session
These focused, interactive sessions give you the opportunity to discuss a key topic of interest to you in a more participative format. Each session will be led by a facilitator who will lead the discussion and encourage maximum debate and sharing of ideas. Choose one topic.
A. Exploring NPF4, Planning and Brownfield, Vacant and Derelict Land Solutions
With the draft National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) subject to consultation until 31st March 2022, this RT will give attendees an opportunity to discuss the proposed framework with the National Planning Framework Team.
Fiona Simpson, Chief Planner, Scottish Government
B. Integrating Remediation and Geotechnical Design to Provide Sustainable and Robust Ground Solutions
​Geotechnical and contamination remediation design are often considered independently, and this can lead to inefficient ground solutions as well as disputes, delays and claims at all stages during earthworks and construction. Use of the correct standards and codes of practice, appropriate modelling tools, interpretation and implementation within the framework of EC7 can ensure that potential issues during or post-construction are not realised.
Compliance with the regulatory framework for materials management during remediation and earthworks projects is also key to this process. In England and Wales, potential sanctions are in place for unauthorised disposals though there has yet to be a significant test case. This RT will explore the Scottish approach with regard to exemptions, permitting, materials management plans and waste crime enforcement.
Daniel Fry, Principal Geotechnical Engineer, Hydrock
C. Exploring Funding Initiatives & Financial Risk Management to Facilitate Brownfield & Contaminated Site Developments
Exploring if there is a robust funding market for brownfield contaminated land
What are the perceived barriers to accessing that funding and how can these be overcome?
Do lenders understand the process of delivering 'Clean & Enabled' sites and evaluating how they can mitigate the risks
Discussing would the industry welcome new funding initiatives which could accelerate remediation projects
Martin Williams, Portfolio Management & Risk, Maslow Capital
D. Practicalities of Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment (DQRA) & the Importance of Characterisation and Conceptualisation
This roundtable will discuss challenges and solutions to developing robust and achievable remediation targets, including reducing uncertainty, refining risk assessment outcomes and exploring what a DQRA can and cannot do
Helen McMillan, Associate Director, RSK
E. Hydrous Ferric Oxide – A New Remediation Solution from Coal Mining
Hydrous Ferric Oxide (HFO) is known to act as a sorbent material in many environments, and this characteristic has been the basis for developing treatment options for some soils on contaminated land. Assessing whether HFO will be applicable to remediating a particular site requires an intensive test programme to develop an effective treatment method.
The Coal Authority has sponsored the development of a geochemical database to simplify and shorten the process by allowing accurate predictions of metal ion sorption to be made over a wide range of conditions. Although there are a number of parameters that require additional work, the database allows modelling to be conducted by standard geochemical models used by the land remediation industry. Modelling may accurately predict the performance of the mix design, reduce the physical test work required and shorten the timescale needed to develop an applicable treatment solution.
The Coal Authority can supply HFO and is keen to work with consultants and contractors in advancing the use of this technology to remediate contaminated brownfield sites. This RT will outline its use and potential remediation solution.
Jon Aumônier, Project Manager, Innovation, The Coal Authority
F. Leveraging the Potential of New Technology
Change – to quote the Greek philosopher Heraclitus – is “the only constant in life”. Technology is constantly advancing, with many businesses embracing artificial intelligence (AI), new remote sensing capabilities and cloud computing technologies. Even in our own homes, the Internet of Things (IoT) is fast becoming a reality. This is just the beginning. With the roll-out of 5G connectivity, advances in Quantum Computing and emerging experiences of the metaverse, the pace and nature of change, for all of us, is set to increase.
What does change look like for us as an industry? What are the new technologies available to us, and how might we be able to benefit from them? How might technology help us solve some of the challenges that we currently face? Join this round table discussion group being chaired by Alex Wrottesley, Managing Director of Landmark’s GeoData division, to explore these questions further alongside your industry peers.
Piers Edgell, Account Director, Landmark Geodata
Tom Telford, Account Director, Landmark Geodata
15.40 Afternoon Refreshments & Networking
16.05 Roundtable Feedback
Each break-out session facilitator will briefly share the key learning points from their discussion with the audience.
16.30 Exploring Petroleum Hydrocarbon Analysis for the 21st Century
Examining the Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Criteria Working Group (TPHCWG) analysis: the Ileana Rhodes method
Using new two-dimensional gas chromatography technology (GC GC): underpinning science
Comparing analytical methods and identifying the benefits of GC GC
Exploring the challenges for risk assessors
Applying the analysis to other mixtures: PFAS, PCBs, dioxins, PCP and more
Dr Ken Scally, Technical and Quality Director, SUEZ
Presentation co-authored by Dr Paul Nathanail, Technical Director Contamination Assessment and Remediation, GHD
16.50 Holistic Near Real Time Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Predictions: A Step Towards Net Zero
Carbon sequestration in soil is one of the most promising biological negative emission technologies to mitigate climate change. Soil carbon sequestration relies on the adoption of best management practices to increase the amount of carbon stored in soil. Soil organic carbon content of soils and GHG emissions cannot be easily measured which is a key barrier for implementing programmes to achieve Net Zero and operationalise voluntary carbon markets. Currently, a lack of cost effective, robust, consistent, transparent, and accurate methods limits large-scale implementation of these technologies.
A new £1 million research project led by James Hutton Institute scientists aims to tackle the problem, using digital technology to develop a UK system to understand and monitor changes in soil carbon. The project will use remote sensing, ground based sensors and high-performance computing to create a system to monitor, report and verify changes in soil carbon and GHG emissions in near real time. This system could help in designing strategies to monitor and improve environmental quality and reduce GHG emissions from managed ecosystems to meet net zero by 2045.
Dr Jagadeesh Yeluripati, Senior Scientist (Ecosystem Modelling), The James Hutton Institute
17.15 Closing Remarks from the Chair followed by a complimentary Networking Drinks Reception
The Grosvenor Hotel
1-9 Grosvenor Terrace
G12 0TB
Website: www.gghotel.co.uk
Parking information: available here