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Event supporters

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The British Property Federation (BPF)

The British Property Federation is the voice of the real estate industry in the UK. Our membership reflects the diverse nature of our industry – owners, developers, funders, agents and advisers. We work with our members to support a diverse, successful and sustainable real estate industry recognised for the contribution it makes to society. Our membership is industry wide, so we provide unparalleled opportunities for networking and sharing good practice, and we can provide government and regulators with an authoritative perspective on the issues facing real estate and how we can support communities across the country.


We deliver our mission by working collaboratively with national and local government and other partners; by promoting knowledge, innovation and best practice within the industry; and by showcasing our members’ achievements so that our diverse sector is better understood.  


We are the UK trade association for those who drill holes in the ground, manufacture/supply drilling rigs & equipment, or supply services to the geotechnical and ground investigation industry. Our members cover: ground investigation; mineral exploration; water-well activities; ground consolidation; quarry drilling; geothermal drilling; directional drilling; ground anchors; piling; laboratory testing; training; specialist insurance services; geotechnical consultancy; drilling rig & equipment supply. We do not however include drilling for oil and gas.


The Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS)

The Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland, often referred to as REHIS, was established in 1983 following the merger of the Royal Sanitary Association of Scotland (founded 1875) and the Scottish Institute of Environmental Health (founded 1973).  The Institute was incorporated by Royal Charter in 2001.


The objects for which the Institute is established, which are contained in its Royal Charter, are, for the benefit of the community to promote the advancement of Environmental Health by:

  • stimulating general interest in and disseminating knowledge concerning Environmental Health;

  • promoting education and training in matters relating to Environmental Health;

  • maintaining, by examination or otherwise, high standards of professional practice and conduct on the part of Environmental Health Officers in Scotland.


Specialist in Land Condition (SiLC)

The SiLC Register scheme was launched by the Urban Task Force in 1999, to recognise the skills of those working in the broader land condition sector. A registered SiLC is a senior practitioner who has a broad awareness, knowledge and understanding of land condition issues, providing impartial and professional advice in their field of expertise. Entry to SiLC is gained through examination, which is held bi-annually.


The SiLC Register brings together professionals from a broad range of backgrounds who advise on land condition matters, and is run and administered by a Professional and Technical Panel (PTP) which comprises representatives from the supporting professional bodies. The PTP develops and implements the registration process and is the ruling committee for individual registrations. SiLC is administered by Forum Court Associates.

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