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Brownfield Land Scotland 2025

4 February 2025, Glasgow

Discussing the Policy, Planning, Remediation and Collaboration Needed to Enable the Sustainable Development of Brownfield & Contaminated Land in Scotland


Learn about the policy, planning, remediation and collaboration needed to enable the sustainable development of brownfield and contaminated land in Scotland at our 18th annual Brownfield Land Scotland conference on 4 February 2025 in Glasgow.

Join us in Glasgow to:

  • Get updates on the Scottish Government Contaminated Land Policy

  • Learn how the outcomes of the Vacant & Derelict Land Reuse Progress Report will affect you

  • Understand if you are meeting the minimum regulatory requirements outlined in the BR211 Guidance on Protective Measures for New Buildings

  • Get first-hand insights from regional Scottish brownfield remediation & development case studies

  • Learn how to assess and address the risks from coal mining hazards

  • Regroup with the Scottish brownfield and regeneration community in-person, share experiences and make new connections

Early-bird tickets are available until 11 December, so book now to save up to £140 on your ticket.


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9.00 Registration and Networking

9.30 Welcome from Environment Analyst


9.35 Opening Remarks from the Chairs

Deryck Irving, Head of Place Innovation, Hydro Nation Chair

Christine Switzer, Lecturer in Civil Engineering, University of Strathclyde

9.45 Update from Scottish Government and the Contaminated Land Advisory Group (CLAG)

The Scottish Government' Environmental Protection Team has policy responsibility for the statutory regime to clean up historically contaminated land and co-ordinate the recently reconvened Contaminated Land Advisory Group (CLAG). Policy lead for the EP-team, Helen Mansbridge, will provide an update on the recent and planned work of the Scottish Government and CLAG. This includes development of new guidance to inform stakeholders on application of the Land Contamination Risk Management (LCRM) guidance in Scotland.

Helen Mansbridge, Environment Protection Lead, The Scottish Government

10.05 Examining the Outcomes of the Vacant & Derelict Land (VDL) Reuse Progress Report 

  • Examining the progress and successes of the Ryden report on VDL 

  • Highlighting areas for further action to maintain momentum in land re-use

  • Discussing how smaller VDL sites can be tackled and how funding can be attracted to these

  • Developing community ownership of land

  • Understanding different approaches and priorities towards VDL sites


David Stewart, Policy and Practice Lead, Scottish Land Commission

Heather Yearwood, Hub Development Officer, Community Land Scotland

Ross Nimmo, Head of Place, Glasgow City Region

10.45 Case Study: Navigating the Challenges of Large Scale Remediation of the Former Bowling Terminal

  • Examining the project phases of the full project lifecycle

  • Overcoming the challenges on the project

  • Developing effective collaboration and partnerships

  • Discussing the technical challenges 

  • Key project success factors

Hendrik Nollet, Project Manager, DEME Group

This project was awarded Highly Commended for Best Project Preparatory Work in the 2024 Brownfield Awards.

11.10 Morning Refreshments & Networking

11.40 BR211 Guidance on Protective Measures for New Buildings, One Year On: Are you Meeting the Minimums Required by the Regulators?


Examining the revisions and where responsibility is now to be allocated and where proof of involvement is placed on record, within the brand new Section 7, and to whom this record of responsibility will be made available to:

  • combined guidance now created for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

  • clearer explanatory guidance on specifying and installing radon-protective measures

  • updated guidance to reflect recent amendments to building regulations and building standards

  • improved references to inspection, on-site quality management and specifications

  • the Appendix A (45 pages of maps) being replaced by links to interactive UK radon Maps

  • the Appendix B being replaced by the Radon Protective Measures Quality Management Record


John Sparks, Global Operations Director, Geoshield Ltd

12.00 Evaluating the Sampling and Analysis of PFAS and Emerging Contaminants

  • Understanding PFAS and Emerging Contaminants and the different challenges they pose

  • Addressing the limitations to lab testing 

  • Examining what you should be doing (or not doing) with sampling

  • Highlighting quality control and the importance of robust data

  • Identifying when testing should be used 

  • Developments for the future testing and analysis of all contaminants

Clare Llowarch, Technical Director, i2 Analytical

12.20 Decoding Coal Tar for Smarter Waste Classification at Contaminated Land Sites

Utilising forensic analysis of PAHs and their alkylated derivatives offers valuable insights into the origin and nature of contamination. By unveiling coal tar’s hidden signature, this session discusses the evidence base for accurate waste classification, supporting more precise regulatory decisions under WM3 and ADEPT guidelines.

Ken Scally, Technical & Quality Director, Normec DETS

12.40 Networking Lunch

13.40 Welcome Back from the Afternoon Chair

13.45 Interactive Roundtable Sessions

These focused, interactive, break-out sessions give you the opportunity to discuss a key topic of interest to you in a more participative format. 

A BR211: How to Avoid the Errors and to Meet the Insistences of the Regulators

Paul Colbeck, Director of Site Services, Geoshield


B Developing the Resilience of Coasts and Communities: Risks for Coastal Landfill Contaminated Sites

Larissa Naylor, Professor, University of Glasgow


C Greening of VDL

Gillian Barrie, Head of Programme Management, Green Action Trust 


D Natural Capital: Evaluating the Benefits from Remediating and Redeveloping Contaminated Brownfield Sites

Christine Switzer, Lecturer in Civil Engineering, University of Strathclyde


E Considerations for submitting successful applications

Dr Ivonne Hughes, Contaminated Land Specialist, Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)


F Enhancing Social Value and Community Engagement at the Stockingfield Bridge Project

Richard Millar, COO, Scottish Canals


G Carbon sequestration in vacant and derelict land: researchers and practitioners working together 

John MacDonald, Senior Lecturer in Anthropogenic Geomaterials, School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow


H The Skills Shortage and its impact on brownfield developments


14.35 Case Study: Developing Sustainable Solutions with the Clyde Gateway Project to Optimise Economic, Social and Environmental Benefits

  • Setting the scene: outlining the project requirements

  • Planning and employing site investigations, data interpretation and visualisations 

  • Understanding the challenges to developing the robust cost-effective solutions needed

  • Adapting to evolving complexities and remediation needs

  • Ensuring compliance and effective stakeholder engagement

  • Exploring the real environmental and social benefits


David Granger, Technical Director, Hydrogeology and Remediation, AECOM

Lynne Valentine, Project Manager, Clyde Gateway

This project won the 2024 Brownfield Award for Best Project Preparatory Work

15.05 Afternoon Refreshments & Networking

15.35 Risk screening coal mine gas emissions using Web GIS

A joint presentation on the design and development of a new spatial decision support tool designed to apply CL:AIRE guidance on coal mine gas emissions in support of land use planning in North Lanarkshire.

With British Geological Survey, North Lanarkshire Council, and WSP.

Darren Beriro, Geoscientist, British Geological Survey (BGS)

15.55 NCLOG’s Regulators Guide to Cover Systems and their Verification

Examining the guidance on cover systems, the types and components of a cover system and the different elements to take into consideration during design, implementation and verification. 


Kirstie Ogilvie, Contaminated Land Officer, South Lanarkshire Council

16.15 Collaborating to Advance Brownfield Developments

Bringing together developers and those involved in the policy making to discuss their different challenges and how with creative thinking they can find solutions and bring social value and community needs into the conversation early on.

Pamela Clifford, Chief Planning Officer, East Ayrshire Council

Colin Cumberland, Managing Director, Eskgrove Homes

Dr Ivonne Hughes, Contaminated Land Specialist, Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)

16.55 Closing Remarks from the Chair & Roundtable Feedback, followed by a Complimentary Networking Drinks Reception


Last year's event brought together over 110 members of the Scottish brownfield and regeneration community, from over 60 companies, including consultants, contractors and local councils.

Job titles include: Developers, Contaminated Land Officers, Managing Directors, Environmental Engineers, Environmental Consultants, Environmental Health Officers, Policy and Communications Officers, Geologists, Environmental Scientists and more.


Previous attendees said...

A hugely worthwhile event, networking with colleagues across Scotland and the UK

Masons Evans Partnership

The event provided a learning opportunity from experienced hands - the networking was invaluable

East Dunbartonshire Counci

Brilliantly organised conference with great presentations, and networking with fellow professionals


The day was excellently curated with just enough detail across a diverse range of subjects

BAM UK & Ireland

This year's conference is being held at:

Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow

301 Argyle St


G2 8DL


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